We Serve – We Care. Sponsored by your local Lions Club and Meir Primary Care Network in partnership with your GP practice.
This is a voluntary scheme for anyone living at home, who might be reassured to know that essential information would be readily available to the Emergency Services, not only to identify you, but to advise on relevant illnesses, allergies, medication and contact addresses, should you suffer an accident or sudden illness.
When time is saved, lives are saved When Emergency Services see medical information and personal details of a patient, they can then render safer and speedier First Aid by short cutting time-consuming fact-finding enquiries about the patient.
Lions Clubs Message in a Bottle is a simple but effective way for people to keep their basic personal and medical details where they can be found in an emergency on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge.
Message in a Bottle helps emergency services personnel to save valuable time in identifying an individual very quickly and knowing if they have any allergies or take special medication.
Paramedics, police, fire-fighters and social services support Lions’ life-saving initiative and know to look in the fridge when they see the Message in a Bottle stickers. The initiative provides peace of mind that prompt and appropriate medical assistance can be provided, and next of kin / emergency contacts can be notified.

How do I get a Bottle?
You can get your free bottle by visiting the website, Message in a Bottle | Lions Clubs International, asking at your GP practice reception, by contacting your Social Prescriber or at your Meir Community Lounge