Health for Teens introduces a new and different way for young people aged 11-19 to learn about their health
What is a GP?
A General Practitioner (GP) is a doctor who has extra training to work in the community, dealing with all kinds of health problems. You can speak to a GP about anything to do with your physical or mental health.
How to register at a GP surgery
If you’re 16 or over, you can sign up to a GP surgery without the help of a parent or carer. If you’re under 16, a parent or carer might need to fill out a registration form on your behalf.
Everyone has the right to register with a GP practice of their choice, and you don’t have to sign up to the same GP practice as your family members if you don’t want to.
However, a GP practice may be unable to register you if:
- They are not taking on new patients
- You do not live within its practice boundaries
You can find the GP surgeries closest to where you live here.
To register, you might need to fill in a form and provide some proof of your identity and address, such as a passport and a letter addressed to you. GP surgeries can have different registration processes, so call them or visit their reception to find out what information they need from you.
Booking an appointment
You can book your own GP appointment at any age. All surgeries have different systems for booking appointments.
At Trinity Medical Centre we have an option to send a request in on line by using our eConsult platform Consult Online from Home - Trinity Medical Centre
You can also request to see a male or female GP if you have a preference.
Doctors and all other GP staff are required to keep any information about you confidential, this means that they can’t tell anyone anything relating to your appointments or medical history.
Speaking to a GP
You can visit or speak to a GP at any age, and you don’t always have to bring a parent or carer if you don’t want to. Although if you are under the age of 16, a doctor may need consent from a parent or carer to commence certain treatments such as prescribed medication.
People over the age of 16 can consent to their own treatment, this means that they can make decisions about their own healthcare.
Read more about consenting to treatment here.
A doctor or nurse might ask you if you want a chaperone, this is someone who can sit in the room with you to make you feel more comfortable. You can request a chaperone when you book your appointment too.
GP’s may ask you a range of questions about your problem, this is just so that they can find out more about what you’ve been experiencing and think about how they can help.
You can ask a GP any questions during your appointment as well, if you’re worried that you might forget something, try making a list beforehand.