Online Consultations
What is eConsult?
eConsult is a clever bit of software that allows you to quickly and safely get help and advice from your own doctors
and GP practice online, for free, from anywhere.
eConsult is a form-based online consultation & triage platform the collects your medical or administrative request and sends it through to your GP practice to triage and decide on the right care for you and everyone else.
Submit your econsultation
Find out more about how econsultations help you and your practice
This video will explain how econsult works
How to use eConsult | NHS Patients | eConsult Health
FAQ's about econsult
What is eConsult? | eConsult FAQs | eConsult
GP online services allow you to access a range of services via your computer, mobile or tablet. Once you have signed up, you will be able to:
- book or cancel appointments online
- renew or order repeat prescriptions online
- view parts of your GP record, including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses and test results
You can still contact the practice by phone or in person, this is just another option, which other patients have found is more convenient and saves them time. More information including “how to” leaflets and videos of patients and why they are using GP online services are available at
How to sign-up
For more information, please contact reception or next time you visit the surgery, bring with you a piece of photo ID (passport, driving licence) and something with your address on like a bank statement but not a gas or electric bill. If you don’t have these, please talk to us and we will help you sign-up